An acne home scar treatment can help you get rid of your left over acne problems right in your house. Some of these solutions are more effective than others, so you may have to dig around a bit to find something that will work for you. As a whole, most people will use a bleaching solution to get rid of their acne scars at home. These work as a whole, but they can get a little pricey over time. Rather than dealing with the acne scars just to save a buck, you should look into the acne scar treatments below. You can do all of these right at home, and you should be able to see positive results from them if you stay active with a program.
Cucumber Juice
If you are looking for an apply-and-go acne home scar treatment, you could put cucumber juice on your face. This is non-acidic, so it is safe to use for as long as you need it. You can put it on and then let it absorb into the skin safely. It will go away over time. Cucumbers do not smell like other solutions might, so you should not have to worry about the odor. If anything, this will make you smell even better than you do naturally.
Egg Whites
Egg whites are not as simple to work with as cucumbers, but they can still provide an acne home scar treatment to rely on. If you don't know what egg whites are, these are the clear parts of the egg that you can separate from the yolk. You can put egg whites into a bowl and then dip a cotton ball inside to use as an applicator. When you get some of the egg on the cotton, you can wipe it on the scars and leave it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Whenever it is done, you can rinse the whites off with warm water. This will face the scars over time, and it will also tighten the skin back to its original form. It will just take longer than a bleaching solution.
Tomatoes and Lemons
You can also use something acidic, like a lemon or tomato. Apply one of them the same as you would the whites, and wash the juice off in 20 minutes like usual. This will take some time as well, but it can be effective over time. Some people have a problem with the way that tomatoes smell, so you may not want to try that approach if you have an aversion to those little red fruits (Yes, I said fruits – not vegetables. Look it up people.) The lemon won't feel great if you have an open sore either, so you need to keep all of that in mind before you hurt your face on the way to improving it.
Not-So-Natural Solutions
If you want to get rid of the scars right away though, you have to think about a lightening solution. This is going to require harsher chemicals, but it is also going to give you noticeable differences that you can rely on. Think like a CIA agent and try to scope out the right product for your condition. Don't be afraid to speak to a dermatologist about this either. He or she may know of a really great product on the market that could work for you. No matter what your budget or acne scar severity may be, you can figure out a way to clear your scars and your skin as a whole.
Cucumber Juice
If you are looking for an apply-and-go acne home scar treatment, you could put cucumber juice on your face. This is non-acidic, so it is safe to use for as long as you need it. You can put it on and then let it absorb into the skin safely. It will go away over time. Cucumbers do not smell like other solutions might, so you should not have to worry about the odor. If anything, this will make you smell even better than you do naturally.
Egg Whites
Egg whites are not as simple to work with as cucumbers, but they can still provide an acne home scar treatment to rely on. If you don't know what egg whites are, these are the clear parts of the egg that you can separate from the yolk. You can put egg whites into a bowl and then dip a cotton ball inside to use as an applicator. When you get some of the egg on the cotton, you can wipe it on the scars and leave it to sit for 15 to 20 minutes. Whenever it is done, you can rinse the whites off with warm water. This will face the scars over time, and it will also tighten the skin back to its original form. It will just take longer than a bleaching solution.
Tomatoes and Lemons
You can also use something acidic, like a lemon or tomato. Apply one of them the same as you would the whites, and wash the juice off in 20 minutes like usual. This will take some time as well, but it can be effective over time. Some people have a problem with the way that tomatoes smell, so you may not want to try that approach if you have an aversion to those little red fruits (Yes, I said fruits – not vegetables. Look it up people.) The lemon won't feel great if you have an open sore either, so you need to keep all of that in mind before you hurt your face on the way to improving it.
Not-So-Natural Solutions
If you want to get rid of the scars right away though, you have to think about a lightening solution. This is going to require harsher chemicals, but it is also going to give you noticeable differences that you can rely on. Think like a CIA agent and try to scope out the right product for your condition. Don't be afraid to speak to a dermatologist about this either. He or she may know of a really great product on the market that could work for you. No matter what your budget or acne scar severity may be, you can figure out a way to clear your scars and your skin as a whole.
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